Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Ways to Be Stronger on Winter Time

             Well, this is a post to increase gratification, afterwords we all could be outside freazing to death. US today has the lowest temperature records of the century. Thankfully, NYC is not the coldest, we could be having -21 Fahrenheit as in Minesota. 
Picture by "The Weather Channel"
     Some commuter have chosen skiing to work over public transportation. 

A man ski on  NY City Street. (Lexington and 57th st.)
Others have protected themselves really well with facial masks to avoid nose frost.
A subway commuter wears a mask

Whatever works for you. Do your best to stay active, connected with others and strong. We are deprived of sunlight during winter, so let's try other ways to improve energy.

1- Ad antioxidants food to your diet. So, glutathione found in whey protein, asparagus, avocado and parsley, mushrooms, it is proved to increase immune system. Carotenoids in sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, peaches, pumpkin and other orange, red, yellow and dark green fruits and veggies are said to enhance many aspects of immune function,3 and selenium, found in Brazil nuts, tuna, beef, poultry, oats, brown rice, sunflower seeds and wheat germ, helps prevent cellular damage from free radicals and plays a role in your immune system health as well.

2-Reduce salt intake. During winter illness such as poor circulation, aches and pains, asthma, arthritis or colitis shows up. We  then need to improve circulation in order to reduce it. Salt slows it down which is bad for people with heart problems or high blood pressure, and increases fluid retention and appetite, which makes it hard to shed extra weight. So  a little salt is good, but more is not necessarily better.

3- Ad turmeric, garlic and ginseng to your cooking; the warm, sweet, heavy root supports the nervous system and gives the body the ability to cope with stress.

4- Don't forget to drink lots of water. We tend to avert water during winter because it makes us feel colder sometimes. Stay hidrated!

5- Try to stay away from coffee,  the kidneys are already compromised due to cold weather, so instead try  cup of nettle tea. Health food store carries it!

6- Do yoga to open your chest and  stimulate blood flow to the thymus and so reduce sinus and respiratory problems. 

7- Cover your mouth when you cough, wash your hands often and be aware of sick people around you. Take vitamin C if you feel like you were exposed to any sick ones.
8- Wear warmers under your pants, it can be uncomfortable but it does help to keep body temperature warm.

9- Stay active, find an exercise that works for you. Sweat it out, don't stay home every day,watching movies, eating pop corn and ice cream. MOVE!

10- Get enough sleep! We all know how good is to sleep under warm covers on winter time!!!

         These 10 suggestions strengthen immune system. Although we need to be physically well, it is important to stay mentally steady too. It is a fact: every year we confront the cold harsh weather. Mother nature is nice enough to change seasons gradually so that our body can adjust to such. And nowadays we have technology that warns us  about future changes providing us a forecast. So we must and can be prepared. Be tenacious. Get up of your warming bed and face the day as any other (except extra layers of clothing; I discovered that Uniqlo makes the warmest and lightest winter apparel. You can dress light and be super warm, carry on your day with least effort). 
         Still, we must face  harsh days: delays and or traffic to get to work, windy and rocky snow  into our faces, increase of some illness, school classes cancellation... All that the Grudgingly winter brings upon us, which all may means a decrease of income to some, or illness to others.
         To sit down and complain won't do much.   It is a productive choice to act, fight the odd, think about mind over matter, so BE grateful for what you have and what you are.!!!
Have a smoother winter:  make yourself physically and mentally active and STRONGER. After all, winter is transient as life is! In three months from now we will be having Spring;  a time for heavy allergies, then comes Summertime and will be complaining about how humid it is! In other words, adversities are always present, it is up to us to decide how we want to face it!

Nyack frostbitten Dock!

Snowman by west 106th st- NYC
Happy New Yorkers Play With Snowman

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